This Week in History 11/4-11/8
Post date: Nov 4, 2013 5:02:08 AM
- Monday
- Summative Retakes and Corrections
- Propaganda and Boston Massacre
- What skills/content are needed?
- How can we demonstrate our understanding
- Tuesday
- John Adams defends Boston Massacre soldiers clip (10:13-19:00)
- Work day on Propaganda assignment
- Due Friday
- Wednesday
- Work Day
- Learning
- Propaganda Techniques
- Boston Massacre Truths and Perspectives
- Product Creation
- Answering Essential Questions on Propaganda and Boston Massacre
- Learning
- Work Day
- Thursday
- John Adams - Boston Massacre Trial Scene (19:00-31:23)
- Here is a really good analysis of the scene where Mr. Holmes testifies to his events of the night.
- John Adams - Boston Massacre Trial Scene (19:00-31:23)
- Final Work day before Presentations on Propaganda
- Friday
- OMS Propaganda Presentations
- Resolution of Boston Massacre Trial in John Adams